CAROL FERGUSON was our guest speaker for two meetings. On Oct. 8 she spoke to us the topic of Rotary International's Focus on Disease Control.  She outlined the organization's work in publishing the need for Polio vaccines and the importance in keeping attention focused on the disease. Although Polio is their main focus, they emphasize the need , throughout the world, for vaccines to be administered. Disease prevention is their main mission. Last year, the World Health Organization reached out to Rotary International for help in getting the message out that vaccines are to be trusted and not feared, stressing that no child should suffer needlessly with preventable disease. 
They have started a Pennsylvania campaign to send cards to as many as possible, with the message on how to get vaccines and how important they are the children's lives.
Parts of her presentation, and how you can get involved are shown below.
Thanks, Carol for two informative meetings.
Carol returned on Oct. 15 and spoke to us about Polio Truths. Carol was representing the PA Polio Survivors' Network.  This group is now 6 years old and represents the 15 million survivors in the world, and 750,000 in the US.  Our country last experienced polio in 1979, but survivors continue to suffer from post-polio syndrome.  The effects of this vary from person to person.  The goal of the group is to share information about Polio and stress the importance of vaccination. The members are grateful to Rotary for our support of this cause.