We are collecting donations (through the Montgomery County Foundation, Inc -Rotary Club of Norristown Community Impact Fund) for the Norristown 3rd grade English-Spanish Dictionary project so that we can continue to include all six of the elementary schools in the NASD. Your donation will be tax deductible as allowable by law.  Checks should be payable to  the Montgomery County Foundation, Inc with the notation of “Rotary Dictionary Project” in the memo portion and given to Bob Schmidt or mailed to the Rotary Club of Norristown, P.O. Box 119 Oaks, PA 19456.
The official registration and financial information of the Montgomery County Foundation, Inc. may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free within Pennsylvania. 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement. The Pension Protection Act of 2006 requires that we notify you that the Montgomery County Foundation, Inc has exclusive legal control over contributed assets.  
Donations will be taken until 9/30