Last Thursday, Thomas McGlynn, founder for FEED the BURBS, spoke about his organization's beginnings and goals for helping feed the community. Tom related how he developed a concept of using public lands to create urban gardens which could help sustain the food distribution to the needy, performed by the many food cupboards and soup kitchens in the Norristown area. Tom, who is the Assistant Manager of Catholic Social Services, Martha's Choice Market in Norristown, spoke of the concept of a 'perma-coulture', one of sustainability, where factors concerning the environment, sustainability, sharing of responsibility and results, all lead to the development of community co-op gardens which would help stock the food cupboards. 
Martha's Choice Market is one of the organizations that would benefit from this program, and the manager, Patrick Waksh spoke of that program. The newly renovated food cupboard at Catholic Social Services, serves between 40 to 50 families  a week in an atmosphere that allows for personal dignity and the opportunity to select from different food offerings so as to create healthful and meaningful meals for those in need. They serve the social, spiritual, and meal needs in the community. 
SCOTT WRIGHT and FRED HAGGLUND  welcome Thomas McGlynn- Feed the Burbs and Patrick Walsh
Catholic Social Services- Martha's Choice Market