Last Thursday our club welcomed KATHLEEN HAGGERT from MERAKEY , a foster care services organization, to host a round table discussion on the needs in the area of foster care.  Merakey is a nationwide organization that offers a wide range of developmental, behavioral health and education services to communities, and Kathleen a family engagement specialist for this 5 county region. She pointed out that over 13,000 kids are placed in foster care each year in Pennsylvania and, at this time, there are over 400 applicants waiting to find foster parents just in her region. Her responsibilities encompass finding families willing to take kids in, managing the placements, and follow-up on the individual cases. She assists in the education process for new families aiding in licensing, documentation, first aid training, and developmental assistance.
There is a great need for foster care and a critical need for newer families to participate in the function.
For further information, contact Kathleen at: 833-629-2220 or email at:  fosterparents@merakey.com
Thank you, Kathleen