HARMA ELLENS- Chair West Norriton Human Relations Commission
JOAN WURZEL - Vice Chair West Norriton HRC
PATTY MARK- Chair East Norriton HRC
At our November 21 meeting, the Club welcomed representatives from the East and West Norriton Human relations Commission, who gave a presentation of the activities and goals of the Commissions. PATTY MARK, Chair of the East HRC, and JOAN WURZEL, Vice Chair from the West group, and HARMA ELLENS, Chair of the West Norriton HRC outline their areas of concern in assisting the communities in processing complaints concerning discrimination in its many forms. They are involved by recording and mediating issues in employment, public housing, education, public accommodations and many other areas. With employment complaints, they evaluate the issues and decide if there is a need to pass on to the EEOC for further action. Employment complaints make up the largest number of issues they deal with.
The complaint process has a 180 day limit for submission , followed by a 60 day data gathering process, followed by mediation, which quite often leads to a resolution.
They also outlined current projects and what their goals are for the future. The HRCs work closely with both the Montgomery Advisory Council and The PA Human Relation Commission to solve the more difficult issues.
Thank you Patty, Joan, and Harma for this informative presentation.