----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Dr. Monica D'Antonio- ONE BOOK ONE NORRISTOWN Last week, our own member, Dr. Monica D'Antonio spoke to us about the ONE BOOK - ONE NORRISTOWN project that she heads for the Norristown Borough . The OBON group works to promote book experiences for all ages and backgrounds, by bringing major authors to live interviews to their major events, and by supporting the reading of books to kids through YouTube presentations. These are just two of the ways OBON reaches out to the community, often partnering with other local groups with similar goals. They annually participate in Read Across America- Norristown, Monica started the group in 2021 as a book club, but quickly expanded to reach out to the larger community by bringing in well known authors like Pam Margolis in 2022 who has written books on slavery; Daniel Jose Older in2023 on the subject of murals in Norristown, and this year will welcome Warren Longmire who has written two books "Open Spaces" and "Bird/Diz"- a book combining both poetry, AI, and jazz history. Monica brought copies of both books for us. For more information on upcoming events and the group's goals, check them out at: https://www.onebookonenorristown.com or contact Monica directly Thank-you, Monica
Dave Beach
2024-08-26 04:00:00Z |
DAVE SHOEMAKER- Rotary Club of Norristown Foundation, TERRI STONE-Grace and Cecil Bean SoupKitchen, BETH STURMAN - Club Recipient Selection Committee, ALAN TREISBACH- Club President Elect The second distribution portion of our annual Pancake Breakfast fundraiser, $7,600, was awarded to Terri Stone of The Grace and Cecil Bean Soup Kitchen. The fundraiser event produced a net profit of $19,000 which has been designated to benefit the Literacy Council of Norristown and the Grace and Cecil Bean soup kitchen.
Dave Beach
2024-08-26 04:00:00Z |
(l to R) Dave Beach-Fundraiser Chair, Eliza Brumbaugh, Executive Director-:literacy Council of Norristown, Clift Hirst- Literacy Council, Alan Treisbach- President Elect -Rotary Club of Norristown, Dave Shoemaker- President-Norristown Rotary Foundation The first distribution portion of our annual Pancake Breakfast fundraiser, $11,360, was awarded to The Literacy Council of Norristown at out July 25 meeting. The fundraiser event produced a net profit of $19,000 which has been designated to benefit the Council and the Grace and Cecil Bean soup kitchen, which will be presented at a future date.
2024-07-30 04:00:00Z |
PEDALS for PROGRESS We ended our 23-24 Bicycle collection Saturday. And we will begin again, no sooner than the truck left we got a call with 3 more sewing machines. Despite the incessant rain, we managed a pretty good haul with 43 bikes and 7 sewing machines this year. Bicycles become family transportation and sewing machines are distributed by an off shoot charity called 'Sewing Peace'. Both of these discarded items get a second life where jobs and transportation are rare. Thank you to all those who donated this year. And thanks to Mary Treisbach for providing lunch. GARDEN UPDATE The Garden Committee met at the Garden to begin cleaning out. Diane Helm indicated we are nowhere near finished. It is fairly large and there is much to do. Work will progress this week. "Ask this old House" the TV show on PBS recently featured a segment on building local community garden with the Girl Scouts. The girls learn how to garden, the Community gets great looking gardens and everybody benefits ! Take a look...
Used Bicycles Headed to Sierra Leone
2024-05-19 04:00:00Z |
Several times each year, our club recognizes students from the Norristown Area High School because the excel in areas of high ethical character and display outstanding performance in academics, technology, business, or the arts as well as community service. It is a proud ddistinction and we are proud to honor both students and parents for the many years they dedicated to coaching and encouragement. We proudly recognize (Left to right) Christina Fritz, Sophia O'Reilly, Haylie Jost, Riley Logan and Ashton Young for they demonstrated excellence. Christina Fritz Sophia O'Reilly Haley Jost Riley Logan Ashton Young
NAHS Student Awarded Rotary Student Achievement Award
2024-05-19 04:00:00Z |
The Rotary Rotaplast Team arrives in Medellin, Columbia and gets to work. The Rotaplast team has safely arrived in Medellin, Colombia! "It was exhilarating to see many deep friendships renewed as new friendships formed before your eyes. Tonight, our Rotaplast team of volunteers was born. We all look forward to meeting the families and children tomorrow as we continue the life-changing journey of Saving Smiles and Changing Lives." Follow along on their blog being kept by Darlene Scott Rotarian Judy Bucko happy to be there.
Rotaplast Team Arrives in Medellin, Columbia
2024-05-10 04:00:00Z |
It will soon be time to send our campers of to leadership camp. It is such a great experience and adults visit often and say have you guys sent me to Rotary camp. Here is a little song written by one of the tribes. It is so cute, it is hilarious, you'll enjoy it. (Click on the picture, make sure you click the speaker on the top when it comes up, so volume is on) Listen closely to the lyrics 'But WAIT.......Did you say...Camp Neidig for freeeeeee
Camp Neidig Jig
2024-04-25 04:00:00Z |
DENISE ASHE-Club Student Affairs Chair, JEREMIAH McCRAY, EDWARD FISHER, VERONICA RITTER, DAVID E CALDWELL III, BRANDON ZUNIGA, MARY ONAMA- Club President The Club again welcomed deserving students from Norristown Area High School to receive recognition for their scholastic achievements. Music was highly represented in this group, with most participating in choir, marching band, jazz band, and concert band. All had their interests sparked by the teachers they met in high school, and expressed how much the musical experience has meant to them as it has become a passion to a few . They have participated in District Choir, written compositions for band, been elected president of the marching band, and been involved in community events. High school has also inspired participation in school government , with one setting a goal and succeeding in becoming class president. Their futures include education in music, music education, animal or environmental science, and education. Schools they are considering are West Chester, Villoniva, Penn State, Ive League schools, and Temple. We wish them all the best in their future endeavors.
Dave Beach
2024-03-18 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Mark Call
NAHS STUDENTS HONORED JAN. 25 BY ROTARY CLUB OF NORRISTOWN DENISE ASHE Club Youth Services Chair, Brandon AMBAR TORRES RAMIREZ, EMILY PLUMMER, KATIE LE, DUSTIN ARMAS, CHASE EICHOLTZ, J EFF McMARIA-NAHS Counselor, MARY ONAMA- Club President Brandon Zuniga Rodezno Veronica Ritter Edward FisherDavid Caldwell Jeremiah McCray
At our January 25th meeting, THE ROTARY CLUB OF NORRISTOWN, honored 5 students from the NORRISTOWN AREA HIGH SCHOOL. The students were recognized for their exemplarily achievements in the areas of scholastic excellence, participation in school activities and special interest groups, community volunteering, sports, and demonstrated leadership in leadership and helping others. They all are honor roll students and often are National Merit Scholars. They have participated in student government, math and robotics club, school board representation , STEM programs, English teaching of local kids just to list a few. Their sports include golf, soccer, track and field. They intend to continue their education in the fields of landscaping / environmental studies, civil engineering, manufacturing engineering, and the very popular- undecided. We wish them all great success in the future, and thank them for sharing their experiences with us.
NAHS students honored 3-14-24
Mark Call
2024-03-07 05:00:00Z |
You're very welcome. It was our privilege to honor such deserving students and hopefully give them a head start in their educational endeavors.
Scholarship Thank you Letter
2023-12-07 05:00:00Z |
At our November 16 meeting, the Club honored six students from Norristown Area High School. These students, selected by teachers and school staff, were selected on the basis of their academic achievements, their participation in school activities, and their involvement in community service. All plane to continue their education next year, pursuing degrees in: Automation Engineering, Robotics, Psychology, Music, Med School, Communications, and other areas in science. We congratulate each one and wish them continued success in their educational future. Club President, MARY ONAMA welcomed the students to our meeting- (l to R) Mamadou Bah , Kayla Huynh, Izabella Gurreonero, Xiomara Smith, Jack Rosen. In the back is school counselor Jeff MacNamara, who introduced the students.
2023-11-26 05:00:00Z |
Dictionary Project Delivery This Week
2023-11-12 05:00:00Z |
There is a garden planting planned for Sept 23rd at 9am at the Padden Park Community Butterfly Garden. Come help us plant mums and clean up weeding. - Sign Up online in 'Upcoming Events' See Mary
Garden Planting Sept 23, 2023 9am
2023-09-06 04:00:00Z |
Congratulations to 2022-2023 President Sunanda Charles in leading our club through a banner year of achievement last year. Over 800 service hours all going back to the community. Achievement of nearly all our goals including establishing a Club foundation. Past District Governor Len Geisler and 2022-2023 Rotary International President Jennifer Jones have awarded the club this citation of achievement. We are so proud. President Mary received the following memo from Past DG Len Geisler " Congratulations to you and your club for earning the Rotary Citation, the most significant award a Rotary club can achieve, for 2022-23. During a year that was challenging for many Rotarians and clubs around the world, your club demonstrated a commitment to achieve your goals, which ultimately helps strengthen Rotary and shape our future. Please share this certificate with your club. Thank you for your support and dedication last year. I truly appreciate it. " Len Geisler
Thank you Sunanda, for leading our club in reaching this very high achievement last year. It was a good year.
Our Club receives a Citation
2023-08-16 04:00:00Z |
Last Thursday, the ROTARY CLUB OF NORRISTOWN honored three scholarship recipients from the Norristown Area School District. These students were selected by our Scholarship Committee, working with the school district, and were based on exhibited strengths in the areas of academic excellence and community involvement. Each student received $200 towards their education plans. We congratulate these students and wish them continued success in their future educational and occupational endeavors. Winners: Emma Josephine Carpenter - Plans to attend University of Delaware with courses leading to Veterinary School. Dulce Maria Vargas Ochoa - is heading to Cabrini and is undecided at the moment, but is leaning toward majoring Education or Business Christian David Carbone - Plans to attend Villanova with studies in business and finance Logan Hendricks (not present) will attend Rochester Institute of Technology $2500 Our three scholarship winners in attendance are welcomed by Club President Mary Onama and Committee Chair Tim Meyer
Dave Beach
2023-08-07 04:00:00Z |
This year for the first time, our Rotary club made an investment in the future (other than grants) in the area of STEM education. We sponsored middle school students attending the Rotary STEM Youth Explorer Academy host at Kutztown University in early July. This year Christopher Jordan from the Eisenhower Middle School joined 42 other students in the eastern PA area at the camp to broaden their horizons and advance scholastic opportunities in STEM. Here are a few pictures of the experiments, all students received a backpack and a white lab coat.
2023-07-14 04:00:00Z |
It was a drizzly day last Saturday. Due to the planned fireworks, West Norriton decided to postpone 'West Norriton Day' celebrations until Sunday when the weather was better. But the 'Bike Collection' went on anyway since the event was pre-advertised and we had made truck arrangements with Pedals for Progress coming from New Jersey. Their schedule this time of year is pretty tight. And more often than not, our drives have occurred on rainy spring Saturdays. It was a good collection. We picked up the bikes we had collected all year and loaded the truck and headed to the high school. We had numerous visitors dropping bikes at the high school including some looking for the fireworks. Pedals for Progress provided training on breaking down a bike to make it small for shipping. We processed the new bikes coming in and with 15 minutes to go, we started to break down the tent, and another donor came with 5 bikes. But we have plenty of help from Dave Shoemaker, Judy Bucko, Jack Rule, and Alan Treisbach and made quick work of it. This is our 15th year collecting bicycles. Rotarian Jim Jones began this project originally in 2008. Around 2012 we started collecting bikes year round. Collections were down during the pandemic and are only now starting to come back. This year we collected 65 bikes and 2 sewing machines saved from the landfill. The bikes are headed to the country of Belize in June and will become family transportation where they have no cars nor public transportation. These bikes and sewing machines mean remote jobs and education and help the environment by keeping clean energy bicycles out of our landfills.
Bike Collection 2022-2023 Successful
2023-05-22 04:00:00Z |
Chair Judy Bucko says, we are caught up from the pandemic. No third grade classes missed their dictionary in the chain. We completed the special Spring distribution of 550 dictionaries to 6 schools. Chairperson Judy thanks all the Rotarians who can out to support and enlighten the students of Rotary's focus on Promoting Literacy. The talks about Rotary changing the World were spirited and highly interactive. They enjoyed showing what they learned and they were eager to explore their new books and write their names in the cover. We let them know we will be back in the Fall right back on schedule. Gotwals Hancock
Dictionary Project Comes to a Close
2023-05-15 04:00:00Z |
The planting is complete for this stage. The mulch is down. the initial set of annuals is in the ground. Three beautiful new trees were added by the Girl Scouts. And the township installed our rain barrel. Now we need more weeding as grass is emerging and watering on these dry days. We installed brick edging to hold back the grass. The mulch was donated by Ralowskey & Trailer on Pottshop Rd. We even installed a brick planter in our favorite shape. Brick for the planter was donated by Norristown Brick Yard. The Rain Barrel catches rain fall from the Township shed.
Garden Planting Phase 1 Complete
2023-05-15 04:00:00Z |
It was so much fun ! Noristown Area Girl Scout troops, community supporters and the Rotary Club of Norristown participated in Earth Day 2023 in Padden Park, West Norriton. For Earth Day, we cleaned out the community garden, cleaned up debris, planted oxygenating trees, removed weeds, restored natural drainage, planted butterfly and insect pollinator friendly vegetation. Mulching is next. The scouts and their supporters donated 3 beautiful new trees and all planted many new annuals to bring color to the garden for our coming butterfly visitors. Come visit 2101 Oakland Drive behind the playground. We are planning our June 15th Changeover picnic at the park. The new brick planter fashions the familiar gear shape. Not intended to be official branding, the gear is convenient shape for a circular plater. Scout, community and club supporters/member donated 3 trees for the garden park area. They are stunning trees elected properly for their location and use. The girls had so much fun working together planting annuals. Thanks to all our Rotarians who came out to help. Especially to Diane for all of her planning to make it a success. Rain barrel to provide water for thirsty flowers and plants. A Successful Day !!
Earth Day 2023
2023-04-25 04:00:00Z |
TRUNK or TREAT We had a blast at the Norristown Rec Center on Monday night. The club set up an elaborate grave yard to celebrate Halloween. The community came in droves and the rain held out until the end of the night. Three or four hundred local youths visited the center. The club gave out 50-60 lbs of candy to worthy costumes of all kinds. This is our 4th appearance at this annual event and always a ton of fun.
Trunk or Treat
2022-11-01 04:00:00Z |
NAHS students honored by Rotary Club of Norristown, Nancy Tellez, Julian Copertino, Katie Griffin, Madeline Plummer, T J Picard - not pictured Kayla Fonesco At the Jan. 27 meeting of the Rotary Club of Norristown honored six students from the Norristown Area High School with their Student Achievement award ceremony. acknowledging the accomplishments of the students in the areas of excellence in academics, sports, community service, and participation in school leadership. They were highly visible in honor roll lists and National Honor Society , advance placement courses, and preparation for meaningful futures in engineering, public health, psychology, nursing, community development , social studies, pharmacy technology, and math. Their current interests and leadership skills are in student government, tutoring, and sports including: football, volleyball, bowling, soccer, and karate, with several holding part-time jobs. They have applied to colleges including: MIT, Bucknell, Gettysburg, West Chester, Duke, Cal Tech, Lehigh, Temple, Widener, and Gwynedd Mercy. The future looks bright of each. They expressed the boost they got from their parents who have supported and encouraged them throughout their life. We wish them the best in the future as they pursue their future plans.
Student Achievement- NAHS 1-27-22
Dave Beach
2022-02-02 05:00:00Z |
Our Club donated a beautiful commemorative brick to the Elmwood Park Zoo in celebration of our 100th anniversary year. The brick is in place and you can view it anytime you visit the Zoo, or take a look when you attend our 100th Anniversary Celebration dinner. Proceeds from the $200 brick benefit the Elmwood Park Zoo. Happy Birthday Rotary Club of Norristown
Club Donates Commemorative Rotary Brick
2021-08-12 04:00:00Z |
Rotary Plays Cupid The Rotary Club of Norristown played cupid to residents of the Montgomery Park Senior Housing Facility. The 50 unit site is the new low income housing facility at 1301 Powell Street former site of Montgomery Hospital. On Thursday 12/13, the club was greeted by Christie Jones, a social worker at the facility, who subsequently reached out to us and mentioned how "very grateful and happy they are and they've been calling". She said, "my residents truly appreciate it and it really made their day". Residents were given 56 bags containing items to show someone cares, such as a reusable mask, puzzle book, pen, note pad, Lysol wipes, hand sanitizer, body lotion, chapstick, chocolate Valentine heart, Rotary flyer and a valentine! Thanks to Denise Ashe and Judy Bucko for organizing this.
Rotary Plays Cupid
2021-02-15 05:00:00Z |
Rotary Bell Ringers are out Helping the Salvation Army Every year for the past nine or ten years The Norristown Rotary Club gives the Salvation Army seasonal bell ringers the day off and step in the weekend before Christmas. It is typically aa very large collection day and often the coldest day of the year also. Normally the club collects at multiple doors at Walmart in Trooper. This year. Walmart was remodeling and had only one entrance. So, Project Chair Judy Bucko arranged to collect at both Walmart in Trooper and Redner's in Audubon. Also, retired Salvation Army Major Fred Hagglund and his wife Major Ruth Aston Hagglund brought their instruments and played during an extended shift and treated shoppers to Christmas Carols. Since we are experiencing a pandemic, the club was masked and observed social distancing guidelines. Also a gift containing hand sanitizer, gloves and a mask were distributed to the shoppers this year.
2020 Bell Ringers
2020-12-27 05:00:00Z |
Judy Bucko without a hat Last week our own JUDY BUCKO told us about her recent mission trip with ROTAPLAST team to Guatemala repairing cleft lips and cleft pallets. Judy has now participated in several of these missions and plans to continue in the future, citing the thrill she gets from seeing families reactions to viewing their child with a normal face for the first time. ROTAPLAST is a function of ROTARY INTERNATIONAL, and has done some 2000 trips since its inception in 1992, with 13 last year alone. Judy was one of 26 volunteers that formed this years team, performing 114 surgeries. The clinics are free to the families and include both physical and speech rehab as part of the total process. She shared many pictures from the trip as she told of excitement of the kids and their parents to the operations. Judy is caring on a tradition started by LOUISE ZAWADSKI a few years ago. Thank you, Judy for the presentation.
Dave Beach
2020-02-11 05:00:00Z |
THE ROTARY CLUB OF NORRISTOWN conducted its annual turkey- Thanksgiving dinner distribution to 65 families in the Norristown area. Members met at ShopRite in East Norriton and packed complete dinners that were delivered to: The OIC Center, Hospitality Center, Family Services of Montco, Methacton High School, and Audubon YMCA, for distribution to the families. Thanks to all who pitched in to help and defray that cost.
2019-11-27 05:00:00Z |
Six members of the ROTARY CLUB OF NORRISTOWN helped the ADVOCATES AGAINST HUNGER fresh produce distribution in Norristown last Saturday. They joined other volunteers in handing out food to about 200 local families in need. Thanks to Jim, Judy, Louise,Dave S, Dave V, and Ron for their participation.
Dave Beach
2019-10-15 04:00:00Z |
WELCOME CAMP NEIDIG CAMPERS Each year our club sends 6 students to the District sponsored Leadership Camp in Douglassville, Camp Neidig. The students often don't know the people they are going with or teaming with. The idea of the camp is to help them develop skills to lead and learn about themselves and where they may want to develop in order to be tomorrow's effective leaders. The club has been sending students for almost 70 years. The campers stay 4 days and form teams in order to compete and problem solve as a team. At the conclusion they are asked to present their results to parents and peers the final evening. Following the camp, we ask them to attend lunch and tell us what they've learned. The campers are (l - r) Joanna Zeheng (Methacton HS), Adrianna Wright (Norristown HS), Max Whittenberg (Plymouth Whitemarsh HS), Arielle Greenberg (Plymouth Whitemarsh HS), Nick Oliveri (Methacton HS) and absent was Nicole Henry (Norristown HS) The students gave a brief synopsis of what they learned in 4 days. There was a lot of learning around forming teams and working together. One student even learned to temper her fear of insects. These ambiguously young adults (high school juniors) are thinking ahead toward careers ranging from political science and to entomology. Adrianna Wright Max Whittenberg Arielle Greenberg Nick Oliveri Joanna Zeheng
2019-09-19 04:00:00Z |
NORRISTOWN FUN DAY ON THE RIVER Saturday was a warm day but that didn't stop the Norristown community from having a lot of fun on the River. Heather Gaines did a great job working with Robin and others to plan a successful event. There were lots of activities, live music by the Alan Reynolds band, a real dragon line, many demonstrations and vendors. Our Rotary boat judges Jim Williams, Tom Bown, Judy Bucko, Paul Catrambone, Mark Call and also to Christine Sherbert & Robin Parker, Diane Helm for planning and representing Rotary / Norristown all worked hard to make it a success. A BIG THANK You to these Rotarians who came out to help bring Rotary into the community. Our Rotary Judges The Dragonboat Event Planners One favorite activity of the day was the Cardboard Boat Contest. The Water Rescue squad is on the water during the entire race. The boats are created almost entirely out of corrugated cardboard and duct tape. A lot of creativity was demonstrated mostly by area youths. Boats are judged based on Appearance (Creativity, Asthetic Beauty, and supporting the Dragon Boat theme), Design(Originality and Innovation, Simplicity, Compliance with material rules, Efficient use of materials), and of course Speed & Boating Skills ( 1st, 2nd & 3rd place winners o the race. We had 9 boat entrants this year. They were all good and we recycled a lot of cardboard. Some capsize at the race start. You can view the entire race by clicking on the large picture below: VIDEO of the Race (click on picture) WINNERS Appearance - NPD K9-2431 Design - Elley Elefant Cruise Speed (Race) 1st place - #2 Witch Raft 2nd Place - #1 3rd Place - #9
Norristown Fun Day on the River
2019-08-01 04:00:00Z |
Thanks to those members who helped with the fresh produce distribution last Saturday. RARE CANADIAN GOOSE POTATO
2019-06-05 04:00:00Z |
The ROTARY CLUB OF NORRISTOWN recognized JOSHUA SHAW, of the Pathway School, with its Student Achievement Award. Joshua has excelled in academics, helping others , personal development, and leadership in school activities. Congratulations, JOSHUA. Honoree JOSHUA SHAW is flanked by Pathway counselor JAN HARPER, and Club Student Achievement Director, LOUISE ZAWADZKI JOSHUA SHAW speaks to the club JOSHUA thanked his counselor and mentor JAN HARPER
Dave Beach
2019-05-28 04:00:00Z |
Thanks to all who came out last Saturday to ring the bells for The Salvation Army. Thanks also to JUDY BUCKO for organizing the collection again this year. ROSIE- THE CHAMPION DONATION COLLECTOR
Dave Beach
2018-12-18 05:00:00Z |
The Club held its annual Holiday Dinner at the Meadowood Retirement Community, hosted by our Paul Norderman. The food was great, and the room festive and welcoming. Thanks to Paul, his staff, and Bernie Reilly for putting this event together. MC John Heyser lead the evening And he lead the Norristown Rotary Chorus and Orchestra
Dave Beach
2018-12-11 05:00:00Z |
THE ROTARY CLUB OF NORRISTOWN participated in the Norristoen Trunk or Treat gathering at Rosevelt Field on halloween.We gave out treats to many kids from the city.
Dave Beach
2018-11-06 05:00:00Z |
As an extension of our Student Achievement Awards program, the club honored SHAWN LUTHER , from THE PATHWAY SCHOOL, for academic excellence and his contributions in setting a great example for other students to follow, mentoring, and demonstrating how dedication and desire can pay off by turning and apprentice opportunity into a steady job. The school offers training in computer coding, robotics, and other tech areas, and Shaun entered the program and immediately demonstrated aptitude and skills in the area, leading to internship position with a local firm, who realized his abilities , and eventually offered him a permanent position. The PATHWAY SCHOOL founded in 1961 t,serves students with neurological impairment, including Autism Spectrum Disorder, psychological disorders, and serious emotional disturbance. The school has started the new program TEAM CHILDREN which focuses on preparing the students, with an individually prepared program, for the real world,giving them a chance to get beyond their impairments. Congratulations SHAWN. LILIAN NEARY from PATHWAY introduces SHAWN LUTHER LILLIAN, SHAWN, AND incoming Student Achievement Chair LOUISE ZAWADZKI
2018-06-13 04:00:00Z |
The ROTARY CLUBS of NORRISTOWN and AMBLER TEAM UP to provide $12000 for new computer equipment for the Montgomery County OIC (a local not-for-profit) as part of a district matching grant with contributions from both clubs. The grant provided 16 workstations and networking equipment supporting Rotary's efforts in economic & community development to replace obsolete, failing equipment nearly 10 years old. These will be used for training and electronic testing for pre-apprentice job skill training (35 people per year), GED preparation (100 people / year), literacy training, life skills and interviewing skills, English as a 2nd language, after school mentoring (25 youths / year) and STEM education (50 youths per year) and the new Nursing Assistant program just started 2 months ago, training offered both day and night. Pictured let to right are: Ray Thomas Vice Chair OIC - Dr Michael Seidner Rotary Asst Gov D7430 - Leo Brady Chair OIC - Denise Ashe Exec Dir OIC - Cary Fleisher President Ambler Rotary - Aariann Vaughn OIC - Mark Call President Norristown Rotary
mark call
2017-05-30 04:00:00Z |